Thursday, September 9, 2010

Patience is a Virtue

Patience has and is testing me this week!! The pain has been really bad. Earlier this week I started to run out of meds and called the on-call doctor who said of course you need to take it every 4 hours, the surgery was so invasive that you'll be in intense pain for at least another week. I said oh ok so I don't have to feel like some crazy crack head needing to take my meds every 4 hours on the dot. Although I did talk to him about if a patient has such intensive surgery you should prescribe enough to last through a weekend w/ a holiday. I was NOT happy they didn't figure this out earlier. So I had to continuously count out my meds like some druggie to figure out how I could draw out what I had left to last me until Tuesday. It was painful but I was able to struggle through it. Tuesday was great news though. Out of the 18 polyps they removed only 1 of them was severely cancerous. Which means it had only spread to 1 polyp so far which they are hopeful about since there were so many. Radiation treatments are coming up in October. I will have to have patience until them and heal and then again patience will need to kick in as I will have to be isolated from EVERYONE no matter what for 4 days. They told me its actually the law and I have to commit to it and sign by law I will not expose myself to anyone while under radiation. Little scary but my appt is the first week of October so I'll know more then. Patience :\

During the weekend we also found the PERFECT house to rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, front yard w/ a fence and 2 stories!!! It was also an older Victorian looking home. I fell in love with it! And at only $1100 a month it was in our price range.  I called and later we stopped by the house and it was fantastic. The owner who said he was almost 80 said it would be available in a couple weeks. Perfect! I said we really are very interested, I'd like to tell my current landlord and call you when I get home. I said please give me an hour and don't let anyone steal it out from underneath us. He said no I wont just call me within a couple of days. I said Oh no, I'll be calling you in an hour to confirm. So I talked to my landlord who said he was very sad to see us go but knew we needed more room and then I called the old man back and he tells me its already rented. I literally stood there frozen in my room. You have GOT to be kidding me. I told him but I told you I would call you in 1 hour and not to let anyone steal it from us!!!! he says um uhhh um um... I said this is exactly what I said would happen and I'm very disappointed especially since I specifically told you I would call you within one hour. I said did they already pay you? "well no" I said well we have the deposit and rent ready now! He says well call me in a couple of days to see if they didn't want the house for some reason. I was like ok bye! GRRR I  KNEW they weren't going to "not" want the house because they  had been back twice in one day just like us because it was such an amazing deal!!! I cried. Hard. Then off and on again for a couple hours. I was just SO crushed that this cute Victorian home had been stolen from right underneath us and in less than an hour! 

Later I decided to look online and see if I could find anything else. Chris had been suggestion I do that since I was so hurt and that surely there was something else out there. So I did and found another great house! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1700 sq feet!!!!! only $1,000 a month, even better. I talked to the owner twice and even told him about this house I lost and he was like oh that is terrible. He said he has received tons of calls but since he hasn't been able to show the house that hes not sure if anyone is interested still. I told him I was. He had to go and wanted me to call him back so later I did and we talked a little more. I told him of our flawless rental history and that we could get a recommendation from our landlord for him. Also that we've already owned property so we are very respectful that this is his home not ours and that we wont trash it and that we do our own light preventative maintenance.  He said it was great and he really enjoyed talking to me & that his wife would email the applications. So I wait. and wait. and wait. By the next afternoon. Nothing. I am really eager to get this done since he said he had received so many calls! I call him that afternoon and leave him a message just letting him know I didn't get the email that night with the application and wanted to check that he had my email and I'm sure hes just been busy *butt kiss-butt kiss-butt kiss* but then I never heard from him. The next day I emailed him via the craigslist ad that was listed and said this is my email address in case he didn't have it, were very interested etc... bla bla bla!!!

Still I have not heard from him. The following day his voice mail was full. I'm like great!!! Just great!! I'd like to say this portion of the story ends well but were still waiting to hear. Last night I sent him an email saying I understand howmuch work he had to get done with his family and all the equipment he is selling from the previous property but that I was hoping to touch bases soon becaue I wanted to put in my 20 day notice (in WA only 20 days is required) by Friday. I said I know you had mentioned the only day you could meet there was Friday so I could have the applications and check ready and meet him there. I am really hoping I hear from him today. I tried his cell again this morning and again right to voicemail and voicemail is full. :(  So my patience tests me once again. I've got my fingers crossed!!

Today my wonderful friend Jenny comes in from out of state to help me while I continue to heal. I can't wait to see her & catch up. I am SO grateful for her help. I still can't lift more than 8 lbs, turn my head more than a couple inches or drive. Hard to be a mom w/ that many limitations!!

Off to catch a few Zzz's before the wee one wakes up!!

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